body PANTEL NETWORKS, Digital Phone Service, Cloud Phone Systems, Cloud Computers, FICCweb Total Management Information System software, Worldwide Long distance and more, call us at 305-222-2288 or Toll Free Number 1-800-890-6375 Pantel is located in Miami, we are a US preferred service provider.

Our Goals

Our main goal is to Provide our customers a good service and excellent support

Phone Service

Good Phone service and support
at the best competitive price

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Use our Cloud Servers and Save a lot
No server repairs needed

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FICCweb Software

FICCweb Business Software
A lot more than Accounting

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Here is where most fail, we monitor
our Network by the minute

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Best Support

We are compromised with support.
For any problem you may have.

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99.9% Uptime

Good Installation and Support
are the key for goof Service

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Latest NEWS

Pantel's infrastructure has grown lately, this is the key to fight the good fight.


Our Total Management Information System FICCweb

Get the best solution to grow your business, manage it with the appropiate software, one that is not only for the accountant but for the entire company, FICCweb, FOCUS ON YOUR BUSINESS.

Cloud Servers

The future of any company is in the CLOUD that is why PANTEL developed a Private Cloud, to give businesses the power and tools needed to achieve success. Could be a Windows or Linux Servers with the memory and disk space you need. Click on Contact Us for details

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